NPCN-7312 Attaching Plywood to 14 Ga Steel

NPCT-3040 with Attachment for Attaching Washer and Waterproof Wrap to Concrete Block
NPCN-7312 Attaching EIFS Rigid Insulation Foam to Concrete Block
NPCN-7312 Attaching Plywood to 14 Ga Steel
NPCT-3040 with Attachment for Attaching Washer and Waterproof Wrap to Concrete Block
NPCN-7312 Attaching EIFS Rigid Insulation Foam to Concrete Block
JAACO has available certain pneumatic tools which meets the required pressure to drive most hardened pins and standard nails that previously tested in our tools and other manufacturers pneumatic tools. We have hardened pins for different construction applications, fastening metal studs and plates up to 14 gauge; sheetrock with larger head knurled up to 2”; gypsum board; James Hardie board; gypsum underlayment; plywood; and OSB/wood or tackles carpet strip with 3/4” pins to concrete.